Our story

Supporting dual careers for international staff and their partners in Stockholm

We are Stockholms Akademiska Forum, a collaboration between all 18 higher education institutions in Stockholm along with the City of Stockholm.

We recognized a number of years ago that one of the challenges facing international scholars was the difficulty of attracting and retaining top talent due to their accompanying partners’ lack of employment opportunities and to settle down well in Stockholm. To address this issue, we launched the Stockholm Dual Career Network in 2015 to support international partners in finding employment and feel welcomed to Stockholm.

Since our founding, we have come into contact with over 1000 accompanying partners, and our network continues to grow. We know that our efforts can make a real difference in promoting the academic excellence and internationalization of Stockholm, make people feel welcomed and increase the probability that they choose to stay.

In 2017, we expanded the activity to include companies facing similar challenges in attracting and retaining international staff. By joining SDCN, companies can demonstrate their commitment to supporting the entire family of international employees.

As a company manager or recruiter, supporting the accompanying partner is crucial in retaining valuable international talent. Failure to do so can result in the loss of valuable employees and be costly for your organization.

Join Stockholm Dual Career Network and support the accompanying partners of your international employees. Contact us to learn more about our organization and how you can support our mission.

Maria Fogelström Kylberg

CEO of Stockholms Akademiska Forum