About Stockholm Academic Forum

Stockholm Academic Forum is the peak collaborative body and collective voice of the City of Stockholm and its 18 universities and higher education institutions.

Stockholm is one of the world’s leaders in academia, where universities are an obvious and active part of development. The Academy contribute to society’s success through collaboration, exchange of ideas, and learning. Stockholm is modern, open and safe, characterized by creative industries, diversity and a high degree of innovation.

Compared to other cities, Stockholm ranks high in creativity, cutting-edge innovation, economic stability, sustainability, social climate, and level of education. Stockholm’s values make it both unique and attractive, nationally and internationally. Further strengthening the image of academic Stockholm is a fundamental objective for us.

Staf’s activities

Staf shall:

  • contribute to profiling and strengthening Stockholm as a prominent academic destination as well as highlighting the importance of a strong academy as an essential part of the capital’s identity
  • Work with strategic intelligence to strengthen the position of academic Stockholm
  • be a forum for collaboration between academia, business, and the city of Stockholm through meetings and networking activities